As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi hosts an ‘all party conference’ of pro-India Kashmiri leaders in New Delhi on Thursday, the two top public office holders in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) have termed the event nothing more than a ploy to hoodwink the international community on Kashmir and deflect its attention from the war crimes perpetrated by the occupation forces with impunity particularly after Aug 5, 2019.
In their separate reactions, President Sardar Masood Khan and Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider declared in unequivocal terms that the invitees of the conference did not represent the Kashmiri nation and instead they had always compromised the fundamental rights, mainly the right to freedom, of Kashmiris for their lust for power.
“Farooq Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti belong to the families which have been shamelessly making compromises on the rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir apart from very proudly shouting the slogans of Jay Hind and Banday Matram,” maintained AJK President Khan in a statement.
“Those speaking on behalf of the Kashmiris at the so-called conference will be labeled as treacherous fifth columnists,” he added.
Khan noted that had Modi had been sincere in the consultative process on Kashmir he would have invited incarcerated Hurriyat leaders to take part in it.
In fact, people like Farooq Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti had played the role of facilitators in consolidating India’s illegal occupation due to their lust of power and could never plead the case of Kashmir at any forum as per the wishes of the Kashmiri people, he said.
About speculations that the Indian prime minister intended to restore the pre-Aug 5, 2019 status of occupied Kashmir, the AJK president pointed out that Articles 370 and 35-A of Indian Constitution were an arrangement between the two states which had been sabotaged by India.
“And now when occupied Kashmir has been virtually made an administrative unit of the Union of India, what will be the legitimacy of any agreement, if concluded,” he questioned.
Khan cautioned Pakistan and the people of Jammu and Kashmir to stay away from India’s cleverly orchestrated tactics.
“Any political or diplomatic process should be based on sincerity and through the mediation of a third party. In our opinion, the United Nations can be a better mediator for this process,” he said.
In a brief statement, Prime Minister Haider said the invitees of the conference were India’s collaborators throughout the occupation and its partners in crime.
“Over and over again, they have been humiliated and disgraced, used like tissue papers and made poodles of the oppressive regime in New Delhi; nevertheless they have always made themselves available for India's interests without an iota of shame,” he said of the pro-India Kashmiri leaders.
Haider said the all-party conference was a devious stratagem of the fascist Modi government to divert international attention from the real issue but it would fail to achieve the preconceived results, mainly because occupied Kashmir was not under the sway of pro-India leadership, particularly after 1989.
He expressed the hope that Islamabad would shortly invite all notable Kashmiri leaders, including those representing the All Parties Hurriyat Conference on this side of the divide, to make it clear to the world community that the genuine representatives of the masses were pro-freedom Kashmiri leaders and not those who had supported India's unlawful occupation of Jammu and Kashmir.
"The world must know that no cosmetic measures on Kashmir will help India or Pakistan witness any durable positive development... Until and unless this [Kashmir] issue is resolved in accordance with the wishes of Kashmiri people, fears of a devastating nuclear war will continue to grip this region."
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